There is so much you need to do just to maintain healthy hair. But, it is all about getting a routine, a simple one that you can be consistent with in the long run. Enough about that, today we are talking about things you should not do for healthier hair. So be prepared to be triggered a little with things I know you do👀. But don't be too hard on yourself, you didn't know better:)I am tagging myself as well. Combing my hair when its dry is an absolute no. Why? Well, dry hair equals brittle hair which makes it susceptible to easy breakage. The best way to do it is while it's damp since it has most elasticity then. Using rubber bands on hair . This is a big no no. Rubber bands tend to pull and cut hair so avoid them completely. Use proper hairbands preferably those without the little metal plate. Protective styles that are too tight . Just thinking about this gives me a headache😭. I mean, why do we do this, it's just unnecessary, especially around the edges. Having tho...