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Hair Mistakes I Made So You Don't Have To

There is so much you need to do just to maintain healthy hair. But, it is all about getting a routine, a simple one that you can be consistent with in the long run. Enough about that, today we are talking about things you should not do for healthier hair. So be prepared to be triggered a little with things I know you do👀. But don't be too hard on yourself, you didn't know better:)I am tagging myself as well.

Combing my hair when its dry is an absolute no. Why? Well, dry hair equals brittle hair which makes it susceptible to easy breakage. The best way to do it is while it's damp since it has most elasticity then.

Using rubber bands on hair. This is a big no no. Rubber bands tend to pull and cut hair so avoid them completely. Use proper hairbands preferably those without the little metal plate.

Protective styles that are too tight. Just thinking about this gives me a headache😭. I mean, why do we do this, it's just unnecessary, especially around the edges. Having those little bumps after being braided is definitely a tale tell sign. I mean, what is protective about it when we are literally ripping the hair out. If someone else is doing your hair tell them to leave your edges out we definitely do not want receding hairlines over here🙅🏿‍♀️.

Tying my hair too tight. Those slick back girlies yes I am talking to you😅.The style is cute can't lie but do it before washing your hair maybe? So you can use the gels that will ensure you don't pull on the hair too tight. Plus hair pins people😂, not every strand wants to be tied down and we have to accept that😅. Plus there are so many cute ones now so it just makes the style look cuter.

Using conditioner instead of deep conditioner. Not exactly a mistake but deep conditioner has so much more benefits compared to a regular conditioner. So I would advise to invest a deep conditioner instead.

Leaving in deep conditioner in for too long. Guys, whoever made the product probably knows what they are talking about😅. However long it says on the product bottle is enough I promise😂.

Not sleeping with a bonnet. Y'know when you sleep with a bonnet and wake up with it practically in the next room😂. Hey, at least you did your part man. Even when your hair is in a protective style try and go to to bed with a silk or satin bonnet to prevent the cotton pillowcase from drying out your hair which can cause breakage.

Najua zimekua mingi but we are almost done promise😅. I am trying to be as thorough as possible.

Picking at my hair.  This is a personal one for me, aah I don't know what to do to stop this, just help me out as well guys. Don't be like me, be better😂.

Using too much heat. Flat irons, blow driers. Limit it as much as possible and try other stretching methods on your hair. I will write a post about alternative stretching styles but for now three strand braids works well in stretching out hair.

Using smaller teeth combs. A paddle brush or a wide tooth comb is the way to go. But recently I've been trying finger detangling which I think I prefer, significantly less breakage on my hair and effective though it may be more time consuming so do it on a free day.

Rushing wash day. Again, choose a day where you don't have much to do, set up a playlist with all your favorite songs to make the whole process more enjoyable.

Swimming. If you love the water as much as I do, I would recommend investing in a swimming cap because chlorine or salt in the water tends to dry out your hair which is certainly not beneficial to your hair. Or you can wash your hair every time after swimming if you are up for it😅.

This is the year my hair gets past my collar bone fr😂. These are things you should not do, I have a couple posts that can guide you on what to do, be it reasons why your hair isn't growing, the perfect washday, different hair oils to use and their benefits, protective hairstyles you name it! Just search any topic you are interested in on the search bar of this blog, or check out the highlight on hair on the official everything melanin blog for direct links on whichever topic interests you linked below. Just tap it to be taken directly to the page.

 everythingmelanininstagramlink :)

Other than that, I'm wishing you ☆♡healthy hair through and through♡☆. Have a great week ahead😙.


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