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The Perfect Everything Shower

An everything shower has to be one of the better human experiences. You end up feeling and smelling sooo good. I love how everyone has a combination of different scents and products that combine to form their own unique scent.

OK, so we are looking at how to maximize on an everything shower plus post care so it can last the whole day for you. I recommend skimming through the whole blog first then trying it out:) Let us begin shall we?

We are going from head to toe so we start with hair, I already have a perfect hair washday blog on here which I will link here>(the perfect hair washday routine)OK. The face will have to be a good cleanser, then a moisturizer I do not want to recommend specific brands because everyone has their own brands that work for them. I would also advice to use cold water to rinse your face it does wonders for my pores. Make sure to wash your ears and behind your ears because that is where most hair products tend to accumulate and cause dirt.


Veeery important to get your oral health in check so here is a step by step on how to improve oral hygiene from a dentist I saw on TikTok😅.(it works though) 

Before you use a toothbrush, make sure to floss extensively between each tooth to remove dirt your tooth brush cannot reach.

Second, make sure your toothbrush has soft bristles to prevent damaging your teeth and gums. Use this brush with a little bit of toothpaste at a 45 degree angle in small sweeping(circular) motions on each tooth. Brushing is significantly easier with an electric toothbrush but we do not all have that luxury now do we😂. Make sure you are thorough but not brushing too hard. Do not forget to brush even the back of your teeth to prevent plaque build-up which may result in future problems that are completely avoidable.

Next, tongue scrape which is essential for fresh breath and can be easily achieved by a metal spoon if you do not have the actual tongue scraper. See, gems all round😅. Make sure to start all the way from the back of your tongue moving forward.


So, there is a more efficient way to do an extensive body bath that will make you feel so fresh post shower that I am sharing below.

First, start with your regular bar soap. This helps to cleanse the skin and remove all the dirt and build up that clog up your pores. This should leave you feeling clean to allow your body take up the rest of the products. If anything this is the most important step in washing your body so no skipping👀.

Next is the body scrub, either store bought or home made, you can make your own body scrub using sugar, honey, coffee, baby oil(not a must) and a little bit of your lotion. A body scrub is great for exfoliating your skin and should be used on clean skin. If you wish to shave you should do that after this step as it prevents the bumpiness that can be accompanied with shaving and reduces razor cuts significantly. It is a gamechanger trust me.

After rinsing off the body scrub and shaving, you can move on to the body wash which helps with restoring hydration to the skin after the bar soap. It also helps that bodywash are usually scented so you can pick whichever you want and leave the bathroom smelling great!


After leaving the bathroom, the work is not done yet, hold on now, keep on scrolling😂. You will first start with your deodorant ensuring your armpits are completely dry, deo helps prevent sweating and odour. Apply it directly on your armpits.

Next is your lotion which is mostly water based and you should apply it when your skin is still damp. This makes sure you skin looks and feels hydrated as lotion is generally not a heavy product. Make sure to rub it evenly on your skin all over your body.

Body oil comes next after lotion and it acts as a sealant to lock in the moisture that the lotion provides for your oh so supple skin(was that weird? idk😂)Make sure to apply this all over your body as well, it also gives the skin a nice shine to it and it is not too heavy on the skin.

Mmmh,mmmh,mmh, now that you are looking sooo good, it's time to add on your body spray so you can smell good as well, make sure to pick out ones with scents that you like. Spray them all over your skin focusing on the pulse points(wrist, neck, behind the ears and inside the elbows and knees).

Now after everything is said and done make sure to put on an outfit that makes you look as good as you feel accompanied by your signature scent and your ready to tackle whatever life throws at you trust me😙.

If you want to see a tutorial on the teeth brushing I will put it up on my Instagram story for the official everything melanin blog today so you can look it up here is the link to the Instagram >instagram link so just tap it and go have a look and maybe a follow?😊

See you guys in the next one. Let me know your experience with this over on Instagram:)✰Wishing you the best bathroom experience yet♡


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