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Reasons Why Your Hair Isn't Growing

 Hey all!!!First off, don't judge👀. I could lie and say I've been busy. But I have not. I guess I just needed a little motivation as we all sometimes do but I am back and I'm planning on doing a whole lot better this time around. Pinky promise😊😊

Anyway, back to the topic on hand, I have really struggled if I should talk about hair on my page since for most of us sistas hair can be a touchy topic. But in the spirit of helping each other grow I could recommend legit ways that I have found to have been beneficial to my hair since I started, then quit, then restarted my hair journey all in a period of three years😂.

1.Identify your hair porosity
I think hair porosity is important in maintaining hair length more than hair type because I think hair type was a construct created to basically divide us even more using our hair. Hair porosity is determining how long your hair can hold hair which is especially important for hair maintenance. So there is low and high porosity and of course for the few chosen normal hair porosity who can basically be flexible in how they can maintain their hair.
High porosity hair absorbs water fast but looses it fast too meaning you constantly have to hydrate your hair to prevent it from drying which can cause it to break off.
Low porosity is the opposite ,it takes long for your hair to absorb water but retains it for a long time so the challenge here is low porosity hair can cause hair to sit on the hair which can cause product buildup.

2.Wash and DEEP condition your hair.
Deep condition is highlighted. I would personally suggest you to invest in your own hair cleaning products because most African salons just use normal conditioner {in my experience}. Quality hair products can be pricey ngl but its worth it because actually you should wash your hair twice a month and that is if you are not putting in protective hairstyles so they can last you up to four to five months without needing to repurchase. And that's all you need actually a good shampoo, deep conditioner and a leave in conditioner.
While using deep conditioner you should focus on your ends as they are the oldest part of your hair and more prone to breaking. While shampooing focus on your scalp to remove product buildup that may be clogging your pores.
P.S Do not apply deep conditioner to your scalp only to your hair strands.

3.Protective hairstyles
The main point of protective hairstyles is protecting the ends of your hair. But also avoid hairstyles that are also too tight on your scalp or too small because first it'll take a whole week to take down lets be honest😂 and it'll break off a lot of hair which can lead to split ends and single strand knots two things which we all dread.

4.Invest in a silk/ satin bonnet.
Yes, another investment👀😂. But be prepared for a lot of investments actually because why not invest in yourself.. I mean. Ok so satin is obvi cheaper than silk and you can get them online now that its November look for the deals yoh. Ok so the benefit of silk or satin bonnets is it protects your hair when you're asleep. How you ask? Well cotton tends to absorb all the moisture from your hair leaving it dry and when you are tossing and turning your ends can break off. If you think its not cute to sleep in a bonnet then invest in silk or satin pillow cases or sheets if you sleep without pillows.

5.Comb hair when damp.
Dry hair= brittle hair meaning it can break very easily so always make sure you have a spray bottle and wet down your hair before combing it and also you can buy a wide tooth comb or even better a denman brush which require less effort. Start from the ends guys going up to prevent breaking:)

6.Trim when necessary
Seems counterproductive but it helps. This prevents split ends from riding up the hair shaft and if you properly take care of your hair you only have to do it after three months so yeey!!

Pro tip. castor oil helps.
Castor oil has been like a saving grace for me personally especially for volume I kid you not. Just make sure its pure castor oil. Check for the ingredients on the bottle to make sure or Jamaican black castor oil which is slightly on the pricier side but effective as well. 

Also do not apply oils on the shaft of your hair if it's dry as this will prevent moisture from entering your hair:)

Bonus tip: If you comb your hair, the long strands(same length as your hair) that come off are shed hair which is perfectly normal and healthy but the little hairs is broken hair which either means your hair is dry when your combing which isn't a good idea or your being too rough with it.

Have a nice day and remember you are beautiful your skin is beautiful and we love you pretty little melanated QUEEEEEN/KIIIIING!!!💗


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