As an adult, oof😂 where to begin😂. You're in charge 🥲 scary I know, but you have to pull through you know😂. So you need a little tlc , physically, mentally, just all round so here are some tips on self care because you're my guy, and we're here to help each other out😃.
Drink water guysss. No I'm not one of those people😂😂. But I do see the benefits of regularly drinking water especially first thing in the morning and pro tip a slice of lemon or cucumber really makes the experience better😂. Water helps a lot with gut and skin health.
Have a skin care routine. Do not sleep with makeup on ladies and gents make sure at least to wash your face before bed. Also avoid hair being all over your face e.g braids or weaves/wigs because they can cause rashes or pimples.
Sleeeep. I struggle to sleep early but I think that is the way to go, you wake up earlier and I think enough sleep makes you more productive through the day. Idk about y'all but I thoroughly enjoy a good night sleep. Or a midday nap those are it NGL😂.
Change your sheets. Weekly guys, s/o to my sister 🤭 best sister in the world.
Make fruit juice once in a while. Take advantage of the fruits in season and after a long week, there is nothing better that a chilled glass of fruit juice to recuperate I have a couple little recipes of my own fruit juices and I think I'll post them here soon:)
Treat yourself!!! Yes, you deserve it😂. Do something nice for yourself once in a while so you actually enjoy life and are not stuck in the endless loop of bills and work and school all the time. A nice little lunch, a nice smelling candle or a good bag works.
Evaluate your mental as often as possible. How are you feeling right now? Also, why do you feel the way you feel i encourage you to google the the wheel of emotions so you can do that little exercise. Knowing your emotions is important so you can address them and look for solutions on how to improve or maintain that emotion.
I hope you are incorporating or will start to do these on a regular so we can live a wayy above average life because it's what we deserve😏.
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Have a nice week guys because we post every Sunday so you can have at least something nice to start the week to😂.
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