First of all I want to say all these were perfectly rational in my head when I was younger lol😂. Just from watching movies that portrayed these things to be actual issues we had to face as adults😂. So I was ready to tackle them everyday of my adult life, I don't know how I would've though😅😂.
Quicksand. This was honestly the biggest scam known to man like😭. Even swamps are more dangerous than quicksand lmao. And to think my youngest brother is the one who told me you can't even really sink in these things . Ankle length at best😭. I felt like I was living a lie my whole life like do they even exist at this point?😂
Volcanoes. Those volcanoes erupting movies used to terrorize us as kids ngl😂. Gave us major ptsd and never even experienced it lmao. Especially here where there is barely any active volcanoes. But seriously how can you even be prepared for scalding hot lava. Thank God we don't have to deal with this man.
Robots. When I was younger I read this book about how kids in the 90's thought life would be in the 21st century and almost all of them talked about robots and flying cars and I was ready for a revolution to happen soon. But maybe that's the future people's problems😂.Good luck to them though😂, because they sure as hell need it.😂
Snakes. No not a garden snake, like those massive python and anaconda types. My Lord, things straight out of a nightmare😂. And that movie anaconda didn't make things any better😂. The way it was mercilessly hunting them down like why😭? I think I would've just forfeited and gone out quick😂😂. No need to struggle and live in fear for that long😂.
Bermuda Triangle. Like where even is this😭😂. The place of no return 😂. I for sure thought I would encounter this at least a dozen times in my life 😂 and figuring out how I wouldn't die when I was there😂. I wish I could be that naive still😂.
Have a great week ahead lovelies slow but steady progress I feel like for us, but we are getting there. Make sure to share and follow the Instagram page so you don't miss any updates and also share your ideas on what you want to see on the blog:)
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