We're grown ups,😭😭😭. And I know you're wondering what's the pleasure in that?😂. It's the little things guys😂. The little things are what keep us pushing, keep us going😅. And I know most of you can relate to most of these so;
Laughing till you feel like you'll die. I know you've all been there😂. You're lungs feel like they're on fire😭. And they just keep adding on to the joke, underrated experience
Waking up HRS before your alarm is set. To be honest, better than an orgasm😂😂. There is no greater joy than waking up and seeing you still have plenty of hours to sleep left. Those hours are the best hours of sleep tbh😂.
Ordering something new and it tastes amazing!! That one time you don't order fries and chicken👀 yes you😂 and actually get something good. Definitely up there 😂. #Jay&Evieadventures lol
A warm shower after a long day. First of all, by warm I meant nearing scalding😂. That's the best temperature that cures all your problems😂.
Having siblings. I honestly can't imagine life without my siblings. You get to experience the different degrees of trauma😂. But honestly I think you're siblings are you're best friends. Life is just simpler with them:)
Trying a new recipe and it turns out amazing. Recently I've been into baking and one recipe turned out great and I've not stopped making it😂. That's my birthday gift these days😂.
A good poo. Yes, I think we can all appreciate a really good poo. I know immediately you read that you know which one I'm talking about😂 and if you don't, you're in for better days😂.
A really good strawberry. Strawberries are overrated. Yes I said it. You hardly get a really good strawberry. But when you do, heaven on earth!!
Trying a new experience. I think adrenaline rush is better than any other feeling ever. That's why I always advocate for new experiences and conquering your fears because, why not?
Rediscovering a song you really liked and it still hits. I recently rediscovered Blem and all I can say is I listened to it for 2 hrs straight😅😂.
I hope these brighten you're week and I believe if you're doing what you really love you'll make it. Have a nice beginning of the week. I believe in us guyss💛.
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