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Showing posts from October, 2023

3 Day Juice Cleanse and It's Benefits

  First of no I'm no doctor I'm just talking from experience so do not come at me nutritionists😭😂. I try to do juice cleanses quarterly every year but you can do them as often as you like monthly also. What exactly is a juice cleanse? It's when your diet consists only if fruit and veggies for the whole period which the cleanse lasts which for me is 3 days. So choose any 3 consecutive days of the week that feel comfortable for you to do it, I prefer during the weekdays. How I determine when I want/need to do a juice cleanse: When I feel bloated all the time Craving sugary things which make this experience especially harder Feeling constantly tired When my skin looks dull or irritated When my allergies are heightened Over sweating Mood swings PS. Some of these may happen if you're on your period or before for the ladies but I think you can tell the difference. So, I had tried starting this week but I thought it is better to do it with you guys:)(I fell into temp...

Holiday Essentials

Yes yes the holidays are upon us😅. Another year gone and I'm hoping y'all have something to show for it. So yeah it's almost end of October and you know what that means...bring out the Mariah Carey😂😂 . Seriously she has that bag 4l with her Christmas carols lmaoo good for her. Ok so now that the holidays are upon us, we need to be prepared so January can't January that bad if you catch my drift😅. We have to be prepared guys the world doesn't end on the 31st as we all hope😂. Sunscreen. Cannot stress this enough, it should be a part of your daily routine especially how hot it gets here around the end of the year and those who prefer to spend their holiday in Coast for the holidays like ditch the lotion for sunscreen at this point. And dare I hear anyone say we are black we don't need it😂. Open shoes because no one wants sweaty feet on vacation or just in warm weather period. Put the sneakers to rest loves😂. We know you have game but let them ...

Things I Thought Would Be Constant Threats As A Kid

First of all I want to say all these were perfectly rational in my head when I was younger lol😂. Just from watching movies that portrayed these things to be actual issues we had to face as adults😂. So I was ready to tackle them everyday of my adult life, I don't know how I would've though😅😂. Quicksand . This was honestly the biggest scam known to man like😭. Even swamps are more dangerous than quicksand lmao. And to think my youngest brother is the one who told me you can't even really sink in these things . Ankle length at best😭. I felt like I was living a lie my whole life like do they even exist at this point?😂 Volcanoes . Those volcanoes erupting movies used to terrorize us as kids ngl😂. Gave us major ptsd and never even experienced it lmao. Especially here where there is barely any active volcanoes. But seriously how can you even be prepared for scalding hot lava. Thank God we don't have to deal with this man. Robots . When I was younger I read this book abo...

Self Care 2.0🧘🏿‍♀️

As an adult, oof😂 where to begin😂. You're in charge 🥲 scary I know, but you have to pull through you know😂. So you need a little tlc , physically, mentally, just all round so here are some tips on self care because you're my guy, and we're here to help each other out😃. Drink water guysss. No I'm not one of those people😂😂. But I do see the benefits of regularly drinking water especially first thing in the morning and pro tip a slice of lemon or cucumber really makes the experience better😂. Water helps a lot with gut and skin health.  Have a skin care routine. Do not sleep with makeup on ladies and gents make sure at least to wash your face before bed. Also avoid hair being all over your face e.g braids or weaves/wigs because they can cause rashes or pimples. Sleeeep. I struggle to sleep early but I think that is the way to go, you wake up earlier and I think enough sleep makes you more productive through the day. Idk about y'all but I thoroughly enjoy a go...

Underrated Pleasures Of Life

We're grown ups,😭😭😭. And I know you're wondering what's the pleasure in that?😂. It's the little things guys😂. The little things are what keep us pushing, keep us going😅. And I know most of you can relate to most of these so; Laughing till you feel like you'll die . I know you've all been there😂. You're lungs feel like they're on fire😭. And they just keep adding on to the joke, underrated experience Waking up HRS before your alarm is set . To be honest, better than an orgasm😂😂. There is no greater joy than waking up and seeing you still have plenty of hours to sleep left. Those hours are the best hours of sleep tbh😂. Ordering something new and it tastes amazing!!  That one time you don't order fries and chicken👀 yes you😂 and actually get something good. Definitely up there 😂. #Jay&Evieadventures lol A warm shower after a long day . First of all, by warm I meant nearing scalding😂. That's the best temperature that cures all your p...