💪🏿Maintaining at least a 7,000 steps a day and this is very easy to achieve actually, that's approximately 30 minutes of walking, which can either be broken down to 2-15 minute walks or 3-10 minutes walks. Which is quite doable a day I would say. And good thing our phones can keep track of how many steps we've taken everyday so you don't have to worry about that, just the walking is your part.
💪🏿Walking After Eating. I've found this quite effective because the body uses that food as fuel for your walk. Put on some music, a good playlist and walk for at least fifteen minutes. Plus it reduces any bloating risks significantly.
💪🏿Drinking a Litre A Day. Of water of course😅😂.Get a calibrated water bottle if you need to😂. Or a bottle that is exactly a litre. Did you know drinking water throughout the day reduces the feeling of hunger as your stomach feels full so it will prevent snacking.
💪🏿Weekly Fruit and vegetable Juices. Mix different fruits every week. Make sure to incorporate some vegetables in those blends. Luckily I have some good ones you can try first in another blog linked below.
💪🏿Green Tea which, fun fact is the only tea known to aid in weight loss when ingested. Trick is don't add anything to it. Na nimekuona on a Friday night so this won't be a problem for you I know😂
💪🏿Sleeping on your left side. I know how that sounds yes😂. But I'm explaining I promise😂.Sleeping on your left side is better for digestion and better blood flow while sleeping. Look it up I'm not kidding😏.
💪🏿Moderation. I mean eat that burger no one's telling you not to. But it's only fair to also eat vegetables as well is it not? Stop the favouritism😂
💪🏿Starting your day right. First thing in the morning you should drink a glass of warm water , add lemon for an even better start to your day. Next try to have a fruit after. After your breakfast, enjoy the morning sun by either going for a walk or just sitting outside. It's good for you guys. And you will definitely have a fantastic day forward.
💪🏿Invest in teas. Different teas have different benefits and overall improve your gut health. Plus it's so fun trying different teas every time yours runs out.
💪🏿Chewing gum tends to keep your mouth busy so reduces the need to snack throughout the day.
💪🏿Eat at least an hr before sleeping and avoid the night snacking. I can't lie, this is easier said than done. But definitely doable, just don't be awake in the middle of the night😂,
Incorporating just some of these in your schedule can significantly stabilize your weight or even aid in weight loss. At least try doing these for a week to see if there is an improvement in your overall state of being which I am pretty sure there will be.
Make sure to follow my blog page on insta for anything I might have missed to include that may be shared on there and be part of the community:)
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